"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Abba Moses - 3.0

We are continuing with lessons from the Desert Saints of Christianity.  I will continue to post several of the sayings of one of the desert fathers or mothers.  Read them over and find one that interests you.  Use that one saying as something to mull over in silent reflection and meditation.

Essentially you will be using it like a zen koan.  You will be doing lectio divina - this time it will be with a short aphorism from the Apophthegmata (Sayings of the Fathers).  Repeat it inside, over and over.  Listen for what the Spirit has to teach you from these aphorisms.

We will work with these sayings for a few weeks.  Be sure to journal what you hear.  This will leave a path for you to follow later, when you want to see where you have been and how you have developed.  On-line Journal at:  http://my-diary.org/  Don't forget it has features to remind you daily to write.  It can be made public or private, as well.

Here are some sayings from the Apophthegmata Patrium to read and contemplate for our daily practice of spiritual direction + spiritual formation.

10. One day, when the brethren were sitting beside him,
he said to them, 'Look, the barbarians are coming to Scetis
today; get up and flee.' They said to him, 'Abba, won't you
flee too?' He said to them, 'As for me, I have been waiting
for this day for many years, that the word of the Lord Christ
may be fulfilled which says, "All who take the sword will
perish by the sword."' (Matt. 26.52) They said to him, 'We
will not flee either, but we will die with you.' He said to
them: 'That is nothing to do with me; let everyone decide for
himself whether he stops or not.' Now there were seven
brothers there and he said to them, 'Look, the barbarians are
drawing near to the door.' They came in and slew them. But
one fled and hid under the cover of a pile of rope and he saw
seven crowns descending and crowning them.

11. A brother questioned Abba Moses saying, 'I see
something in front of me and I am not able to grasp it.' The-
'old man said to him, 'If you do not become dead like those
who are in the tomb, you will not be able to grasp it.'

12. Abba Poemen said that a brother asked Abba Moses
how someone could consider himself as dead towards his
neighbour. The old man said to him, 'If a man does not think
in his heart that he is already three days dead and in the
tomb, he cannot attain this saying.'

We have a few more days of postings on the Desert Saints and then we will move on to a new practice on the Royal Road of direction and formation.



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