"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Canons and Akathists

Canons and Akathists make up a bulk of the prayer services of the Orthodox Church outside of the daily and eucharistic cycles.  The services are made up of "Odes", or smaller sections that have several versicales or hymns in them.  There is always a "doxasticon" or a "glory versical" and a "theotokorion" "God-bearer versical".  There are also hymns based on Old and New Testament stories that relate to the topic of the prayer in some way.  The themes of the prayer services vary and can be on an event or a person or an aspect of the Divine.

For example, the night before Holy Communion is received, Orthodox believers are expected to pray the Canon of Repentance, and the Canon of Preparation.  After receiving Holy Communion the Canon after Thanksgiving after Holy Communion is to be read.  Some of the most beautiful prayer services in the Orthodox Church are either Canons or Akathists.  If you can listen to one being sung, or participate in a service, you will understand.

A Canon is a Rule - it is a measure.  So the Canon is the Rule of Prayer.  An Akathists is a "standing prayer" - it is a prayer whihc one stands through (akathist literally means (a) without (kathisma) sitting).  Each of the prayer services has its own structure and number of hymns to be placed in a detailed order.  I will not go into all of that now as I suspect no one out there is going to run out and begin writing the services.

The services are prayed at home or in church.  There is always an icon with a candle in front of it, usually depicting the scene the prayer is about, or of the Virgin or our LORD.  I would use one of these or the icon of the TRINITY by Andrew Rublev.  Links below are to some services available on line.  There are a lot more.  Also to some nice shops to obtain icons from.  The services below are some of my personal favorites.

(you-tube link sung in Arabic, Greek melodies)


Tom +

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