"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

eBreviary and the Daily Office

There are wonderful services on the internet that can offer you daily inputs to the spiritual journey.  Some send you a set of daily readings from the lectionary.  For these you should check with the national level website for your denomination.  I know that most denominations have them.  I prefer to stay with the Orthodox Lectionary because the Greek Church bundles a nice package each day and sends it off to my e-mailbox while I sleep.  It has the epistle, and Gospel readings (typed out), an icon for the day, and then all of the movable hymns like troparia, kontakia, eirmos, etc. (mostly hymns about the feast of the day or the saint of the day).  So look around for one that compliments the journey.

E-breviary is a wonderful daily service that gives you access to daily pdf's of the daily office.  There is morning prayer, day prayer, evening prayer, night prayer and the office of readings for the day.  This service is available at a small fee for the entire year, but each day these five services are available in a clean, clear, distinct and separate printable document.  All of the propers of the day have been added in, so there is no flipping through 8 different prayerbooks that have two prayers in each (if you ain't stood at an Orthodox cantor's stand - aka portable library - and had books pushed into your hand, then you ain't prayed, brutha).

It is a superb service and worth looking into.  I am including a copy of the Saturday Morning Prayer (with their permission).  Also, please check out their link.  The website is plain, simple, to the point and very helpful/user friendly.



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