"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Prayers for Peace

I found this wonderful prayer at the United Church of Christ. It is a Morning Prayer of Lament for the War.  What a perfect way to name the prayer.

Years ago, while working with court placed youth that had been abused, I had the boys on a camping trip.  We ventured out Sunday morning and found this little UCC Church in the wooded knolls and glens.  My co-worker and I always hesitated taking the kids to church.  Sometimes the kids would get aggressive and need to be escorted out or physically restrained.  Polly-pure-bread church goers really can't understand why folks can be so disturbed.

At any rate, we took the 10 boys in.  The pastor was at the altar.  He turned when he heard our gang enter the church.  He immediately jumped to shake all our hands.  He looked at all of the boys and said, "This is great."  He pointed to each boy and gave them a task.  "You can take the collection.  You can light the candles.  You can help with the collection.  You carry the wine, and you carry the bread...."

This happened every time we went to that church from that day on - and we went several times when we were not camping.  Because of Karl, I will always have a fondness for the UCC liturgical services.  That Eucharist, more than any other in my life, was a true Thanksgiving.  I have returned often with my wife and the peace that was in that place was genuine.

Wherever you are Karl, Thanks.


Tom +

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