"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

It really is a step-by-step guide for anyone with something to say or sell.  He is not lying.  As with everything Michael does, says, or writes about, he is only putting out there what he knows to be true from his own wrestling, practice, and long-endured experience.  The integrity behind what he says is tested before it comes out of his mouth or before the pencil is put to paper.

Michael is the real deal - and I have known his work for many years and on many frontiers.

Over the past 25 years everything has changed.  It is not only true for the world of writers; it is true for every person's individual world (predominately because of the shift in the world of the writers/information givers).  Everything has changed.

Whether it is the packaging, the content, the style, or the delivery; everything in writing has changed.  The speed with which you can get an idea/bit-of-info out into the world, digested and commented on has exponentially increased to dizzying speeds.  And Michael has seen it coming from several perspectives.  As both a writer/informer and a publisher/enabler he has seen the world of creatives be born anew.

I think we all knew the world changed when the internet hit the scene.  We were reminded that things were still changing when Apple helped speed up the evaporation of paper-books and journals.  We gasped in fear when Borders died wondering if we could stop the eventual digitization of everything in the world.

What Michael has done here is to take all of that input and map out a pathway through the haze of progress that will keep us on target - even when we cannot see - because of what he has sensed and experience in his life as and individual, author, and professional.

This guide is based on that which he has heard, seen with his eyes, looked upon, and that which his hands have handled.  Because of that, this is clearly Michael's very own Gospel and Epistles. This "ain't just his passion" this is his passion and experience.   He is not "all hat and no cattle"; as he reminds us Texans are ofttimes known and want to say.  He is hat and cattle.

The book is divided into strategy by processes.  It is a beginning, middle, and end guide for building the platform you need to shout out your "offering" to the world in such a way as to be heard.  He lets you know what works and what doesn't work in each of the phases of the work.

"Do this."  "Don't do this."  Every section is chocked full of the advice he has lived; and, each and every suggestion is backed up with solid fact.  You will find nothing pulled out of thin air.  I have always loved that about Michael.  Nothing hits his blog unless it is based in his own experimentation and acceptance process.  Michael is a master at processes.

He helps you to strategize and implement the building of your platform within the framework of these milestones:

 I. Start with WOW
 II. Prepare Your LAUNCH
III. Build your HOMEBASE
IV. Expand your REACH
 V. Engage your TRIBE

You need to build a platform to share what you have with the world.  You need help to do that because it is impossible to go it alone.  Let Michael start the project with you and help you see it through to the end.  You cannot afford to not read this book if you have anything to offer while you are here on this planet.  Hurry up, life is short and time is wasting.  Don't miss the prophet's suggestions and message - Borders did fall in a day (well, just about).

Check out Michael's short bulleted synopsis of his offering at:

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