"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

A Shorter Form

The whole idea of daily and routine practice is difficult for folks.  Starting small is the best recommendation.  Don't take on the entire "Festal Menaion" or "Lenten Triodion" in one day.  A short time of prayer in the morning and or in the evening is probably the easiest to start with.  You can find these other services that are available to punctuate your life in free time, weekends, or special need prayer times (like  in crisis).

It is important for the human spirit and the body as well to make the time noticeably distinct and appealing by adding an icon, a candle, some incense, a rocking chair, solitude, an icon corner.  Often we need to cajole ourselves into something that is to be regular or habitual and an incentive would not be a bad thing.  Coffee comes after prayer, breakfast comes after prayer, or maybe after three weeks of morning prayer I'll buy that prayerbook I wanted.

I don't mean to demean the human station, but let's be realistic, sometimes it is hard to do these things.  Sometimes we are no better than our pets when it comes to habits.  Surely you don't think the monks and nuns are just clambering every morning to get into their prayer stalls.  There are a bunch who hit their snooze buttons and mumble - just like us.

Saint Benedict was most notable for developing a rule for monks that was "realistic".  He developed a middle way that was not being too harsh or too lenient.  Learn from Holy Saint Benedict.

Here is a short order for morning prayer and evening prayer.  It is from the United Church of Christ.  You'll need your Bible for this...there is a reading from the Psalter (Psalms) and a reading from the rest of Scriptures - both are at your discretion (so if you are using a lectionary, you'll need that, too).

The prayer order is really short so give yourself some time to mull over the readings, sit in silence, meditate.  This is a nice refresher if you have been using some lengthier prayers over the last few weeks.  It reminds us that there is an interior time to prayer as well as an exterior time.  It is important to shape and be shaped by liturgical word power, it is important to sit in the Presence of the One Who is From All Time.



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